Good Ol' days..

I long for those days when studies were meant to be taken seriously. When I’d wake up at 4 am and mug my chapters. When sleeping without revising was blasphemy. And now, leave alone revising, if I manage to scan thru’ the allotted chapters, I send a grateful prayer to the Almighty. Sad, very sad.

Only 2 things matter – Sleeping and Staying awake. And while you are staying awake, behaving as if you are running the world. Yaawwnnn…..time to sleep..take care of this globe,someone ;).


L said…
U r still pardoned..!! I know of ppl who have resisted their frnds' attempt to wake up before their exams also..!!!
Lady Z said…
@ L- You got a nice photo blog,nice to know u belong to the same city - Hyd :).

@ Hirdu - Yeh buddy,if u cant avoid it,enjoy it :D

@ Vipul - Kaheka mismanagement chal raha hai :(
Whats In A Name said…
Some body said.. Every coming day in ur life is gonna be tougher then teh previous one.. Wonder u r feeling the same ...
Lady Z said…
@ manish - Tougher than the previous day..then one should also get stronger by the day...where's my complan? :D

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