Great Expectations

As an individual,one has certain rights. And the right to know is one of them. To know what you want from yourself,from people around you and from your life.Similarly,people around you also have the right to know,incase any of their actions can hurt you.

But then how does one know,unless one asks? The problem with expectations is that a lot is assumed. A husband 'expects' certain things from his wife,and more often than not,he assumes she knows about them,and vice versa. How often do you hear these statement in fights, "Weren't you supposed to do this?? / I tght you would know! / It's but obvious! " All based on the assumption that the other person knows what you expect.

Amongst the comments in the 'Art of Detachment' post,somebody said detaching oneself would be protecting yourself from pain and turning away from love and would stop you from living a full life.

Pain and tears. No point in running away from them. They always find their place in our lives. Infact,
this post of mine talks about how we shouldn't be over protective about ourselves.

The idea of detachment principally deals with detaching yourself from expectations.Not love and care. When you love,expecting the other person to love you back,you are paving a way for some major heartache. The moment expectations come into the picture and are not made clear to each other, misunderstandings creep in.

You can expect,provided you,yourself do justice to your own expectations.Make them heard.

And what happens when you make them heard? More often than not,they fall flat on their face.The other person thinks you are mad to expect so much outta him/her.And then you know better. You learn that relations are based more on what you can give, rather than expecting things for yourself. You have to go beyond yourself to make things work. And imagine,when both the parties feel the same,life is bliss. :)..but the truth is,we are so occupied with our own needs that we seldom look at what the other person wants.

Detaching yourself from the other person's actions,u know...u do things that make you happy,u take care of yourself,and you look after the other person too. Coz, your happiness will,in someway or other, be linked to their's.

Many might argue on the note that,what's the point in staying in a relation which doesnt fulfil your needs? Exactly. Why be in a relation to fulfil your needs? Be in a relation to love someone and make them smile. Coz u really love them :).

And to do all this,you require lots of love for your own self. Love which can sustain itself. Love which will take care of you when others dont.Something which makes you strong enough to face this world without expecting and craving from others. And trust me, it's not that difficult to love yourself :)

Loving without any expectations doesnt hurt,it only liberates you. You are free to love,love and love without any worry :)).


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