If none was watching...

Umm,I was supposed to continue my post on Women.Will do.Sometime soon. :)

Actually this post is a result of a question posed to me.

She asked, "What would you write on your blog,if you knew none visited it?"

Me : Hmm,I think the basic purpose of enabling comments on ur posts is to know what people think about it....

She : Why would you care? Would your thinking change,if someone thought otherwise?

Me : Mebbe not,but it does provide one a broader view of things.And they can always be more than one correct answer...

She : So,when you blog,is it to know what others think or to let them know what you think?

Me : Both.

She : So,doesnt the fact that people will read and comment on your post dictate its content, atleast some of the times?

Me : Umm,yeah,sometimes it does...

She : So,back to my first question. What would you write on your blog,if you knew none read it?

I smiled.

Me : What would I write?? I wouldnt write at all. :) Oh kay,tht's going a bit too far...I'd write,but the stuff would be so different...

She : You know,many people who have popular blogs,have their own private blog stashed away somewhere.One place where they rave and rant and still wont be caught doing so.Then they come back to their popular blog and continue as if nothing happened.Even the Internet has people doing a double take with their lives.They cant be in public what they are in private.Social conditioning at play,I'd say.

Me : Hmmm.One neednt display one's feelings to the world.The blog can just be used as a medium to express what you feel about things,why should it testify for your life's hidden moments?

She : Sigh.You dont get it do you? It's all like a huge virtual social party. Everybody has their masks on. None knows for sure how true the other person is. They blog to please the readers.They blog to gain more hits.To be more popular.And then they seek some place where they can be their own self. Their blog served that purpose for so long,but no longer.People are known by what they blog/post on,hence everyone is toeing the line.It's all becoming an extension of the society.And I wish you dont become a part of it all...

Me : As if I cared,sweetie. I know how close I've come to deleting the account,on many occassions. But the fact that my blog still exists is coz I believe, one day I'll stop caring about what I write. And that's when my real writing would surface...

She : You know what?

Me : Hmm?

She : Hide that site hit counter.Figures have a tendency to mess with our feelings ;)

Me : Shut that up :)


Anonymous said…
Hey Zarine,

Always wanted to ask you the same question....whether you would've written the same posts had you known that noone will visit your blog...
Got my reply :)

Btw heard tht u hv been placed?
You deserve the best and may God bless!
My treat is due ;)

Anonymous said…
arey me was waiting for tht post on women :(, sach mein women say one thing and do other :P
btw nice post...so the popular bloggers hv their REAL blog hidden somewher else ? ahem so this holds true for u too !?
actually me too wonder about similar thing...WHY in earth i/we start writing a blog ? just to put our thoughts or to get popular ? in my case it was the first one...but then lotsa ppl saw it n now the first purpose i guess is kinda lost :(
Anonymous said…
i agree http://bhandu.blogspot.com/ check mine too
Anonymous said…
nice blog!
Anonymous said…
@ Aparna - Yeh,sure come over...high time I saw ur pal,Miss.Smitha too.Just remind her that her Team Leader is missing her :))

@ Kon - Well...had a private one at one point of time.Found it real silly.So out it went :)

@ ramstine and nikhil - Thanks :)
Anonymous said…
well thats true ..figures tend to mess up sometimes ...:)dont they?

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