Doesnt merit a title.

I had a collection of poems...almost 10 years of collection with the choicest of romantic poems I had penned for my 'Dream Guy'. They were around 40 in number.

After my first break-up, I burnt them all. I vividly remember that day on the terrace when I took my diary & a matchbox along with me. One by one, I tore the pages and added them to the fire. My sis came running up & shrieked at the sight. I continued till each one was gone.

Those poems were the stable factor of my life...I hung onto them... he made me destroy my support system.

Allwin was glad that I let it go...all those years of expectations, dreams, hopes that every girl has of her guy...I felt like a person with no history...

I usually forgive people easily. I forgave & got over him for our breakup...but I shall never forgive him for what he did to my dreams. I hope he's reading this....for I hate him more than I can ever get myself to express.

© Zarine.


Anonymous said…
Soooooo sad......I can visulaize the whole scene before my eyes....sorry..

( ps: I ain't the one though...)

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