
So much has happened in the week that's gone by and hardly anytime to blog it...if this is an indicator of things to come,I doubt how much of bloggin I'll be doing once am into a job and (sigh) marriage.

Wanted to blog about false acts and masks we put on in certain situations, on how difficult it is to let your past let go of you - Yeh,sometimes it refuses to fade away n is there on ur mind all the time, on how life will be without few people am so close to and almost addicted to :(, on how Lee and Reebok are a bad choice for a family function, and what to do if you still happen to land up in them!, on why celebrating small successes matters so much...on how loving matters so much...and my exp in my Managerial Psychology class.

This post is dedicated to all those posts which never saw the ray of the cathode tube (ok,tht's a bad PJ :( ) times I miss living my life so much...


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