When it rains, it pours

The last couple of days have been such a roller coaster emotional ride. Not in a sob sob/ grin grin manner, but I feel some sort of realisation..a dawn..turning a heavy duty page over sorta feeling.

  • Negative people seem to take disproportionate time of your day, compared to the positive ones. While the definition of positive and negative essentially is people who you find agreeable or not, but one seems more obsessed with converting the negatives ones over instead of consolidating the positive ones. It's akin to conquering more terrain while leaving the already conquered in a 'maintenance-only' mode. Why is it so important for everyone to agree with you? That's the first of the warning signs of narcissism. 
  • Husband pointed out that I'm not very good at 'giving it back' to the nasty ones and tend to internalise it. That my relationship with such folks has a very very long tail before it finally tapers off into oblivion. There will always be this finite number of people who can have their stake in your life. If you don't withdraw from toxic/dead/wilted relationships, you are giving them space that rightfully belongs to the ones who are invested in you. I stopped and made a note of people with whom I don't share that bond/rapport anymore, either coz one of us isnt that interested or there's nothing common left. Give it the band-aid treatment. Just rip it off. Let go.

© Z.


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