Grinning monkey

I'm smiling today for no particular reason. I was in midst of mundane corporate activity called "forecasting". Something we do to give ourselves an illusion of control. And subsequent work. Eg. Forecast something, break it down to measurable stuff, monitor against planned, report against variance with action plan. Send lots of colorful dashboards for the above while highlighting people and random activities in bold. See?

Work would've been a funny place if people didn't take it so personally. But you cant blame pays their bills and holidays (or depending on the pay - holiday plans).

I was actually smiling because I have begun to see how pointless it is. It usually boils down to making your work seem important in the larger scheme of things and then complicating it with work-life balance, job satisfaction, progression, compensation, value addition, castration.. not really ;).

11 years of working and I realise only 2 things matter. To me. 1. Pay  2.Visibility

1. Pay - pretty obvious.
2. Visibility - Be seen at all the right places mouthing the right words. Keep sending some random updates to senior management. Just stay in their line of sight, for everything in general but nothing in particular!

Time to hotlink a fun pic

© Z.


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