Maggi Maggi Maggi

Once you cross 25…you begin to count. Not just days & months as they etch by, but also those memories of 2.5 decades…which tend to grow more wooly, indistinct and far off if you don’t keep jogging your cells often.

During my brunch which consisted of Maggi noodles (and this despite several vows to eat healthy), my mind took a leafed through the History book...(my! I sound Neanderthal) to check on entries matching “Maggi+Noodles”. I think my first word did start with an “M”…no...not Mama/Mummy… got that right! I must’ve opened one eye…looked up at the crowd of curious adults staring down at me and bawled, “Maaaaaagggggggggggiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii” and Nestlé’s marketing director who was having his kid delivered in the next room must’ve quickly obliged.

Maggi was everywhere when I grew up…it was a prize for behaving well…it was the tool to pataofy me…it was there in the lunch box…during the dinners…during the brunch…and even when you weren’t hungry but really wanted to eat something. My school used to have this Maggi lunches wherein all of were provided free maggi! Unlimited! Slurrrpp!!

Over the years, so many flavors were introduced, taken back, re-introduced…masala, chicken, tomato, chatpata, curry, lemon, pulao, chowmein, veg atta, dal vegetable (yucks), hot & sour, etc (please add to the list if I missed any!)

I remember looking on anxiously as Mom would serve the noodles in different bowls. I HAD to get the max AND also the utensil in which it was cooked! I would happily lick it up post finishing my royal meal …LOL! Even today…it’s the best thing after sliced bread. Filling and nostalgic. Just add anything to it…cook it the way you like it…it tastes awesome!

And BTW, I could NEVER make it in 2 mins!


Ye manzilen !! said…
As long as it it served with smiles I can live on Maggi. These days it is my main staple too....
Lady Z said…
Hehehe...too much of it leads to an upset tummy :D
Ye manzilen !! said…
I am confoosed Ma'm. How can too much smile upset a tummy?
Lady Z said…
Too much of maggi, Einstein! :))
Ye manzilen !! said…
ab to jaisa bhi hoon t....

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