New year resolutions

Hirdu Has tagged me for publishing my New year resolutions. Ah! Tagging reminds me of those good ol times...when we had just started blogging and the whole 'tagging' was a 'in' thing to do. Wherever one would go....there would be some post honoring some tag.

Good ol times.

Ok, let's get back to the topic. I checked my Jan 2007 post for 2007 resolutions and was amazed at how I did uphold some of them without realising it. Let's see how I fare in 2008.

Damn, I cant think of any resolutions! :(.

Umm. Ok...just one.

I'll take care of myself.

I know how difficult it is. Let's try :).

© Zarine.


Anonymous said…
I like the resolution.... better stick to it..
Anonymous said…
:) thanx...

Nice thought...Almost like mine....was to keep sleeping at least....
Anonymous said…
Keep in touch with friends more :-p

Mebbe they'll feel inclined to buy you Garlic Bread or Brownies :D

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