Lost in the maze.

Everything cant be important. Everything cant be urgent and everything cant be "do or die". What's the fuss about??

Corporate lives are so dictated by deadlines. And half of them were to be met 'as of yesterday'. I realise (which I keep doing every now & then), we got nothing to lose we if we stop fretting & fuming. I love my Hyderabadi culture for this. "Ho jaayega...tensions kaiko lere?" Chill. I keep chasing myself...yeh karo, woh karo. Uff. Kaiko??? Nai karte. Karlo jo karna hai.

Hehehehe. It'll be fun if I can say that to my Boss ;). But unfortunately, I've built for myself a repute wherein any report/ data is submitted much before the deadline. Now, that's coz I leave everything that I'm doing and finish the task who's deadline is closer. Bad. Bbbbbaaaaddddd man!!!

My little over 20 months experience in Corporate life tells me that things eventually manage to happen. If you dont do it, somebody else will do it for you and vice versa. But I'm so hung up on doing my own things, that I dont remember when was the last time I delegated. Wait. I think I did so recently. Hmm. So I delegate to my subordinates, but I dont delegate to my peers. Okay. Let's leave it at that.

Am directly responsible for 300 people and indirectly for another 120. No wonder am stuck to my Laptop & phone all the time....solving queries, hiring, redeploying, report outs, pitches and all that jazz. I need to reach out to my people. How sad it'll be, if folks whose queries I solve dont know how their HR manager looks like :((.

So what's the point here? I need to prioritize. Bah. Rather I need to break free! I had decided on some model for my time management....havnt yet implemented it due to lack of time! How ironical!!! Well...lets do it then. Some discipline...some method...some sense and some sanity is badly required.

© Zarine.


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