Where's the problem??

He: "Get an attitude,gal!"


He:"I mean,how can you simply talk with anyone?Kuch bhaav dikha!"

Me: (Wondering what has hit him)

He:"I'll tell you how to do it.You know,talk in jargons and metaphors,when you argue show down the other person,show that you know more..and your blog..!! Post some sense...I mean the last one you posted.."

Me: (interrupts)"Hello?Didnt you read my rights? I have the right to not make any sense :))

He: "See? That's your problem!! Take yourself seriously.Dont let people mess around with you. Get a 'no non-sense' image. I'm telling you,people value you only if you play hard to get!"

Me:See...I dont talk or post to judge or appreciate my 'value'.I do it coz I like it,and if people think I dont make sense,so be it.I'd rather spend time laughing and chatting instead of trying to pose as someone who's "Miss.Know-it-all."

He: "Sigh! You dont get it,do you? Zarine...show some attitude for God's sake!!"

Me:"Look dude..I dunno what acc. to the definition of 'attitude' is,but for me it's something which defines your persona. And if my 'attitude' is to be laughing and be buddies sorts to anyone I feel like,so be it.Exclusivity may have it's own charm,but hey,I'm not intrested in being Princess Di!So...kindly....Shut up?" :)

Hell...damned if I do,damned if I dont!!


Anonymous said…
Dont walk as if u rule the world...
Walk as if u dont care who rules the world..

and thts wht u r showing
just keep the gud work..
U do not need to project what u r not..
just be urself and everything else will fall in place :)
"Exclusivity may have it's own charm,but hey,I'm not intrested in being Princess Di!So...kindly....Shut up?"

ATTITUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Lady Z said…
@Vipul - Kya line maari hai...! Ek choc sundae due coming ur way ;)

@Mike - Yeh!! So,I DO have an attitude then!:))
Whats In A Name said…
I believe that ppl show attitude when they dont have anything sensible left..
Sameer said…
Your last sentence sums it up..
Hell...damned if I do,damned if I dont!!
But then, I also tend to agree with the_new_cloud that attitude, more often than not, is a way to cover up rather than show off.
An interesting read,nevertheless!!
Hmmm....interesting to read some statements here. I was in a college that defined attitude as per a lot of people, but (pardon me if I sound ignorant), I still don't know what "attitude" is meant to mean!!!! Like, wtf? Does it mean being rude? Or sarcastic all the time? Or perhaps it means showing off? Or does it just mean being YOU!!!!! And being comfortable being you!!!!

I find most people unable to define "attitude". Indeed, I have yet to come across someone who can define what he or she means by this usage of the word.......It's something like "Fountainhead". People like that crappy piece of trash coz "you're supposed to like it", Personally I find most people privately admit they were bored to death readin it. I was too. Attitude seems similar......u use the word and want to have it coz "you should have it". Mad rush.....stupid people.....
Lady Z said…
Hmm..attitude..isn't it the way you carry yourself? What you actually project to the world? The thing is certain features have been identified as the 'cool ones'.So you have a 'cool attitude' if you posess these.Showing off,talking in high funda lang and the likes come under these.

I agree with Manish and Sameer that often people try to make up for their lack of knowledge by having a snobbish air abt them,so tht none really bothers them and in turn discovers their actual content ;)

Umm Mike,agreed many people pretend to have 'it',just the way they applaud 'The Fountainhead' coz if they didnt they would be asked "Why not?",and more often than not,people dunno what to say :).So better comply than contradict. :)
Dunno mademoiselle......more than the urge "to comply rahter than contradict", I think it is the innate human hunger for appreciation and the dislike for being perceived as different.....

As for the definition of "attitude", I have been told by people that I "have an attitude". Attitude as per your definition is something that every1 has. However that then belies the fact that people say that "either you have an attitude or you don't". IMHO, it's just become a piece of jargon!!!!!!!!

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