My Personal Rights

Right to:-

I. Not make any sense.
II. Have my mood swings.
III. Think too much or to not think at all.
IV. Get the best deal.
V. Act in the interest of my well being.
VI. Protect my loved ones.
VII. Dream.
VIII. Work towards my dream.
IX. Stand by my beliefs / people I believe in.
X. Love/hate anyone I want to,as I want to.
XI. Take decisions pertaining to my life.
XII. Argue.
XIII. Question.
XIV. Stay silent.
XV. Pamper myself.
XVI. Not give any reasons/explanations for my actions.
XVII. Not share my personal life with everyone.
XVIII.Resist authority/responsibility/actions I don’t approve of.
XIX. Be objective when the situation demands.
XX. Take vengeance.

......And that's the way it is.


Anonymous said…
The last in the list.You may want to delete that one.I agree being nice doesnt get you paid , but sometimes its not about being paid.
and all I ask is for just one right...
My Right to not honor and recognize other's rights! :P:P
Anonymous said…
Regulations of a Dangerous Mind (?) :p
Lady Z said… did ruffle few feathers ;).

@ Abhinav - I'll let Mike answer ur query...if he will surely do :)
Abhinav: It isn't about getting paid. It's about payback. And who made the "rule" that vengeance is bad? Come to think of it, if you are religious, or even otherwise, if you have read any religious book, God takes "revenge". He exacts his vengeance. And in your theory of "God", you paint God as the perfect being.....and yet, if as a human you imitate God, that's bad????? C'mon....

Apart from that, who made the rule anyway? And why don't I have the right to take vengeance? It's not abuot going out of the way to harm someone for revenge.....but if the opportunity cames my way to get back, I will......and, frankly, SO WOULD YOU!!!! Most people don't admit it. But revenge is something everyone desires. The reason you don't see it happening too often is that people don't get the opportunity...that's all.

All the BS about "it's bad to take revenge" and "Fate/God/Karma will do what has to be done" is exactly that...BS!!! And even if it is true, who's to say that I am not the agent selected by this Fate/God/Karma to settle the score????? OK, now this is getting long........maybe I'll post on this on my blog :D

Zarine: Every single one.....brilliant.....but you already know what I think about them.....perrrrfect....

Anonymous said…
junta ki demand par template change ki jaaye....
Anonymous said…
yeah..u also hv the right to go away to some island n live all by castaway :)...j/k

donno if u've ever worked anywhere before...but when u do u'll realise that u'll hafta supress urself a lot...yeah...grrrr...but yeah u can easily do no. XX in ur workplace :)

Susie Derkins
Sameer said…
Now I understand why my coment made in the Haloscan box vanished into ether.Now, I don't even feel like repeating myself again, but still...
That rings so true, Zarine, so very true!!
If I was to make a list of my own, quite a few items from your list would find a place on mine.Keep it up..
By the way, if you still need something centralised for the comments, you can try out, which I happen to use on my blog
Lady Z said…
@ Mike - Take over my blog's PR work ;)

@ Rajesh - Patience,patience...the day I get bored of this template,I'll surely change it :P

@ Susie Derkins - Lol,yeh can get what you are saying.But most of it has come from working with all sorts of folks in my B-School.Believe me,unless one has some set rights,the world is all ready to trample over you. I do agree,few of the stated rights might have to be negotiated with once I get to working,but the bottomline remains the same - I dont do anything till am comfy with it.

@ Sameer - Yeah I know,I did read that comment of yours on haloscan..and was shocked to see it disappear too :(.Hence those shouts!

Regarding the rights..well I feel,these are the pretty basic ones.After all,if one does not have the freedom to do what one to,as one wants to,what kinda freedom are we talking about? :)

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