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I should author a book on managing uncertainties. It’ll be titled “What you should know when you don’t know!” (Copyright & all those rights applicable!!) Ok, why do I say this? It’s coz last 2 years of my life...I’ve plunged head first into so many things about which I had no clue about. City will you handle the new city ? No idea. Role will you handle that? No idea. Another role change in 6 months...again, no idea. In year from then...get into the leadership program...with no idea...get into another role in 3 months from then with no idea...and again consider yet another role got it right...NO IDEA! Now, No Idea here does not mean I don’t know what I’m getting into. It means...I dunno how I’ll handle it. The point also is...I’m so open to change that it surprises me. I have no apprehensions dealing with new people, new situations. I just get into it, do my stuff and move on. Is it coz I don’t know what I want? Indeed, what do I want? No Idea....