A good ol' friend has been after my life to post this...trust her to come up with weird ideas!! Now what exactly is it?? Its a letter to your kid..yeh, beat that! :D So I'm to write a letter to my kid and tell him (yes, i want a boy) of all the gyan i learnt in my life. I think I can redirect him to this blog and he'll stop taking his mom seriously. Ok..what pearls of wisdom do I have for my lil devil...lemme dig the treasure trove of my mind :P..ah..here they are :- Learn to deal with Cognitive Dissonance (hahahaha) There will always be a right thing to do and a good thing to do...unless u screw urself coz of the latter, u wont realise the wisdom of the former Love your parents...they cleaned after your shit Serious one - Dont let anyone tell you that you cant do something. And dont take everything that everyone tells seriously Have friends...lots of them...but have a circle u can bank on to pull the rug from right under ur feet when u r having ...