I love hot chocolate!

I came back from work and headed for the hotel lounge. I was generally browsing through FB, et al and ordering nachos in steaming cheese with a cuppa hot chocolate (yes, feel jealous, thats the whole point ;) ) when I thought of making this post. Its a serious kinda post.

A good ol friend gets married this month. Dude, you have been part of my life and part of this blog. We wish you a content life ahead...the one where each moment is cherishable.

Which brings me to the point that all the readers of this blog are single. Now that this dude gets married, mebbe we should revoke his access to this blog :P

Have we ever thought how greedy we can get in life? more often than not this leads to not so good situations. when a guy and gal are good friends, when does it change to love? when do u know u r crossing the line? what is it about the relation that makes them want to take things forward at the risk of their friendship?all the guys i was in love with were my friends once, except for one. with tht bloke, i still cant figure out what came first....love or realization of the contrary!(dont worry he doesnt have access to this blog...so u know its not YOU!) ROFL.Shit...am full of crap man!! ;)))

So the thing I  was wondering is when do u know its beyond love and when things dont work out...how do u switch gears, reverse back from the diversion and get on the main street of friendship? How does it not get bitter? Im sure it does...in my case they did. but with the ones i really valued, i tried not to end things...though managing that aspect of the relation was nothing less than steering a ship in the storm.c'mon...u couldnt end up being married so what??? Whatever.

Why am I making this post? Have I lost it? Am I high? chocolate does these things to me man...!Well, the point is..its my blog and i damn well will write what i want to.ha!

So the thing is...love is overrated. friendship rules. so if any of u thinks of going around with a good friend...be ready for the high voltage stuff that will follow. not everyone can handle it.

And for all the dearies who have gone thru this shit...well..u survived...cheers to life man!! And to many more eligible guys and gals. (Honey, this post is for all the others..not for us..dont worry :P)

© Z.


Nikhil said…
I can imagine Vishu read till the last line and then breaking down
Suhail said…
don't revoke :-)
Lady Z said…
Nikhil - u stop giving him ideas!grrr

Suhail, chained, oops i mean married folks (:P) need to pay fees to access this blog.

Yours would be to post your wedding pics...will they be up at your first anniversary kya? :P
Suhail said…
all fees shall be paid jab mukarrar waqt aayega man!
Lady Z said…
Muqarrar waqt!! Ek album ke liye itni philosophy mat jadho!

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