Oh my handsome kid...

A good ol' friend has been after my life to post this...trust her to come up with weird ideas!!

Now what exactly is it?? Its a letter to your kid..yeh, beat that! :D So I'm to write a letter to my kid and tell him (yes, i want a boy) of all the gyan i learnt in my life. I think I can redirect him to this blog and he'll stop taking his mom seriously.

Ok..what pearls of wisdom do I have for my lil devil...lemme dig the treasure trove of my mind :P..ah..here they are :-

  1. Learn to deal with Cognitive Dissonance (hahahaha)
  2. There will always be a right thing to do and a good thing to do...unless u screw urself coz of the latter, u wont realise the wisdom of the former
  3. Love your parents...they cleaned after your shit
  4. Serious one - Dont let anyone tell you that you cant do something. And dont take everything that everyone tells seriously
  5. Have friends...lots of them...but have a circle u can bank on to pull the rug from right under ur feet when u r having  a ball of a time ;)
  6. Money aint all that great...experiences are
  7. Read. Whatever. But read. Voraciously.
  8. Pray...that's the only thing that can save your sorry ass ;)
  9. Dont be shy of taking risks...you are the product of one (hahahahhaha)
  10. Dont make a big fuss out of failure. Or success.
  11. Dont be stingy with love & laughter..spread both...with necessary precautions ;)

Thats all I can think of...!! :D And I know with scoundrels like Nikhil and Vipul around...all the good effect that Seema, Zareena and Chinnu will have, will rub off. Vish and I will also cancel each other out. Suhail will be too busy with his dozen. So the kid is at his own mercy :D. God bless him. :)

© Z.


Suhail said…
no way so few! :-O
Lady Z said…
See? That's the only thing you could find worth commenting eh?

Have coupla more, AIIC..hmmph!
Nikhil said…
May I add a few more?
- Never underestimate casual sex - it's the ultimate release to release what you need to
- Alcohol, drugs and air headed chicks - Do them all, do them right and do them before you start your career
- You listen to your mom, you'll become like her. You listen to Nikhil uncle, you'll be like him. There is NO MIDDLE PATH
-Giving mom heart attacks is a good thing. What won't kill her will only make her stronger and if it does kill her...well, ROCK ON !!
I may be a bad influence you're right :)
Senorita said…
One thing you can def learn from your Mommy Dearest & her Friends - Sense of humour :D

Love readin your posts girl . Keep writin :)
Lady Z said…
Dude..u r so staying from the kid now!!! But no i guess, he needs warnings like u as well ;)

@ZK - Thanks babes...whats life without a laugh or two? :)
Sardar said…
well... if all of u r done commenting... let me do the job!!!
1) A boy...????
2)follow & fly like nikhil... till you meet someone like your mom n fell n love (basically till u r grounded) ;)
3)Don't shit around just anywhere, coz u will not have your parents following u.. they might be busy taking more risk...
4)Pray like your mom... she's really effective..
5)listen to your mom always.. but do what your dad tells you.. it always works :)
6) If you'll learn everything frm this blog.. then u might not stay with your parents.. so wait to learn smthings directly frm them ...
Nikhil said…
I'm so sorry. This post is irresistable !! A few more from my side:
1. There was a 50% chance you would be dumb and a 50% chance you would be ugly. It's your mom's fault
2. You will fly like Nikhil but you WILL crash and burn like your dad when he met your mom (Inspired by Vishu's comment)
3.This is the limit to the gyaan your mom can possible give you. For the real truth, listen to the Old Monk, the Grey Goose and the Royal Stag.
4. Friends may come and friends may go but hangovers live on forever !
Lady Z said…
Dude...its like u stay up at night happily and with all glee wondering what next to post in this space! :))

Ok Ok...I know there's no escaping you...teach whatever you want, I give up. A known devil is better than the unknown evil.

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