I didn’t know there was a template for a blog post in MS word. In the last 2 years, an idea which was dormant in my idea for about 2 decades or so started germinating. It was mostly watered by the birth of my daughter (that sounded weird) It was about migrating to Australia. There was something about this place which allured me. It was away, self-sufficient, least bothered, aloof, didn’t give a damn and it was both ugly and pretty. It was me in a lot of ways. I started the immigration process by visiting those visa consultants (a special mention of a friend, TJ, a discussion with whom helped me narrow it down) and then over the period of the next 4-5 months struggled through the documentation process. Husband complied wherever possible, but was mostly a sleeping partner in the whole process (that’s very unlikely of him, though. As I discover much later that he played along as he wasn’t much keen on migration, but did so on my behest). Nevertheless, half of 2014 and a...
One great thing about Blogosphere is Tags :)). When u dunno wht to blog abt,here comes a tag to ur rescue :D. Surbhi , the lovely one, has tagged me. She's intrested in knowing 8 things I'd want in my "Partner in Crime" - P.I.C (tht's wht I prefer calling "him" ;) ). Knows what to talk and when to talk! He should sense the situation and act accordingly. Loves food and loves to cook/experiment with it. (Btw, I jus discovered Upma + Sauce and Butterscotch + Choc sauce are good combos. Infact, anything with Choc sauce on it is good, what say, LLVP? ;) ) We shouldn't have to seek permission from each other to do things. As in,if a pal is in town, I can invite him over without thinking what will my P.I.C think. If he feels like going for a trek, he can. No restrictions whatsoever. As long as we know abt each other's whereabouts, P.I.C can be in Honolulu for all I care..! :D Should be able to deal with my mood swings using the right techniq...