Intelligent Men = Dumb Women.

Why do you like something?

You like it because you can relate to it,you identify with it.It makes you feel good.Identify with it.

Intelligent men like dumb women.Reason cited :- They dont feel 'threatened' in their company.They are comfy with them.
Source :- Internet.

Either elevates the dumb women's status,or degrades the intelligent men's.Choose for yourself.

And that also explains why women with a mind tend to be alone/have failed marriages/broken relationships.Nah,wont just blame one party.Earlier,women were expected to compromise most of the time (Heck,ALL the time!).But now she doesnt see a reason why she should.Back then,financially she was dependent.Now she isnt.Even if the man wants to settle for a compromise,the lady is still thinking twice.

I thought intelligent company makes you more intelligent.But the men's tghts seem to differ.Oh k! Now I know,why my aunt would always warn(!) me before every party."Keep your mouth shut dearie,u know too much.Men dont like gals who talk,they want those who can digest their crap quitely.We dont want you to branded as 'fast',do we?" Alritey Aunt,if keeping my mouth shut at such parties gets me an 'intelligent' guy,then to hell with such parties and to hell with such guys.

BTW,any chance of a 'Super Intelligent' guy existing?


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