
Showing posts from October, 2005

It's cold out there.

Take a flight,into the night A dark,endless expanse of a cold unknown future To stop and look behind Is to bask oneself in the false glow of comfort Comfort which arose from the warmth Of all those who loved and cared to smile at you False, as gone are all of them With you just gazing at the blank emptiness... Look ahead with a decisive purpose To move on and take it as it comes But when will the hope of having Someone who shares the vision die..? As life seems like a prose Like a poem which doesnt rhyme A tree which hasnt seen the spring A leaf waiting to touch its ground .. I fly off....into the dark,the unknown..... But its cold out there.. The warmth beckons me back But what shall I choose to have A hope which has no future, Or a future which has no hope?

Congratulations....n Celebrations...!!

Dearest Vishu and Vipul... Today the Almighty God did the next best thing to both of you (the first one being me :D ). You know,all this while,I've been holding back...waiting till all of us got placed...but boy, NOW WE ARE GONNA PARTY HARD :D :D :D A silent prayer for ICICI and TCS respectively, as well...may God award these firms with enough strength to deal with both of ya ;) And yeah Vipul dude,abh to hum bhi taana marenge "Padhai mein mann kyun lagega,placement toh hogaya na?!" ;) ;) Truly...very happy for both of u...:) Love, Zari. Ps:- BTW,kindly consider yesterday's party as the one from my side.I cant bear throwing another one for dehaatis like you :D :D

Life is fair,afterall :)

So Qazi Tauqeer and Rooprekha win Fame Gurukul (a singing compt on Sony TV). Two people who always went by their heart,didnt indulge in dirty politics when it came to voting out participants and always believed that they could make it. Esp. Qazi - the underdog. Right from the beginning,his peers thought he didnt deserve to be there.He always maintained that he had the passion and will to succeed and held nothing against his peers for thinking bad about him. And the bandar becomes the sikander :). I like these kinda success stories,wherein a person comes at the top,beating all odds that were stacked against him.Kudos dude...keep rocking :). ___________________________________________________ This post on Hirdu's blog aptly sums up the confusion and anxiety of a middle aged life. True,absolutely true. ____________________________________________________ This world is full of people who cant get out of their "environmental determinism" i.e a state wherein the person blames ...

The Gestalt Prayer

I do my thing And you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations And you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I. And if by chance we find each other,it's beautiful, If not, it can't be helped. - Fritz Perls The key idea of the statement is the endorsement of a focus on living in response to one's own needs; it also expresses an idea about people who respectively can help fulfill another's needs in fulfilling their own: when they "find each other, it's beautiful." Immediately following that optimistic note, the final six words are "If not, it can't be helped". Beautiful.

...And it's a century...! :)

So..this is the 100th post on my blog :). Was going through what I wrote all this while...and the following posts are the ones I really like. Sadly,the comments arnt there anymore as Haloscan has been removed.... Intelligent Men = Dumb Women. Mein aisa kyun hoon After long hiatus Lose to gain Summers start (Made this for the V-day)Continuing previous post Its ok Give a damn Futility of hope L square This will be me? When will I love me? Art Of Detachment Great Expectations My Personal Rights Choice to choose Principle-1 Principle-2 Principle-3 Principle-4 If none was watching Blank Hmm...HR did u say? Blinded by Fears Fear in the Society Not bad...:)

If none was watching...

Umm,I was supposed to continue my post on Women.Will do.Sometime soon. :) Actually this post is a result of a question posed to me. She asked, "What would you write on your blog,if you knew none visited it?" Me : Hmm,I think the basic purpose of enabling comments on ur posts is to know what people think about it.... She : Why would you care? Would your thinking change,if someone thought otherwise? Me : Mebbe not,but it does provide one a broader view of things.And they can always be more than one correct answer... She : So,when you blog,is it to know what others think or to let them know what you think? Me : Both. She : So,doesnt the fact that people will read and comment on your post dictate its content, atleast some of the times? Me : Umm,yeah,sometimes it does... She : So,back to my first question. What would you write on your blog,if you knew none read it? I smiled. Me : What would I write?? I wouldnt write at all. :) Oh kay,tht's going a bit too far...I'd write,b...

Women - I

The most common complaint men have is their inability to understand what women want. I was wondering,is it really so difficult to know us? One SMS was doing rounds - What women say and what they actually mean.It got me thinking. I guess, that's where the main problem lies. Women dont state what they think. They have something on their mind,and they say something that is connected to it.No doubt,guys good at crosswords have it easy ;) And this trend is observed only when it comes to their own self.If they find a puppy cute,they say it. But if they want to know about their looks,they would drop a hazaar hints before the guy actually gets it!! If they want something,they rarely ask for it.Instead it would be "She has it,I want it too" types, or she'd try to justify the need for it. Why cant women simply be as direct and blunt as men are? The way they are bought up has some definite role to play. One has to be modest,not too demanding,always giving unto others and all tha...